We are a religious student organization at Texas Tech. We have been registered on campus as of the spring semester in 2019. We are sponsored by Quaker Avenue Baptist Church of Lubbock Texas and supported by numerous other churches and individuals of the Missionary Baptist Association of Texas. We are completely funded through this support and do not require dues of any of our members, only attendance and a respect and consideration for one another. Even though we are sponsored and supported by Missionary Baptist churches, we accept membership of any and every denomination.
Our goal is to study God’s Word and find the Truth, no matter our opinions or likes/dislikes. We also want to give students a comfortable place to go to ask question, dissect issues, dive into specific studies and topics, deal with struggles, and find support and encouragement as well as find spiritual growth, a closer walk with God, and friends among fellow students with similar goals. We hold weekly bible studies on campus in a meeting room in the SUB that is reserved on a weekly basis. The specifics of the Bible study for the current week are listed in the Events tab.
Fellowship and bonds between brothers and sisters in Christ are also important to our spiritual walk here on this earth. We are not alone in our stands and worship for God. Building these relationships that we can fall back on and have encouragement and even correction from is vital for each and every one of us. To help strengthen these bonds we hold prayer meetings and monthly fellowships such as laser tag, go-karts, hiking, games, BBQs, etc. so that students can develop a friendship and trust with one another. We want to keep our focus not only on building our knowledge of God’s Word and our relationship with Him but also our relationship with those around us. We are here for you and want you to know that you can find a place with us!
God’s love knows no bounds, no ends, so neither should ours!
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
John 17:17 (MEV)
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my
ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your
Isaiah 55:9
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not
perish, but have eternal life.”
John 3:16 (MEV)
MBSF stands for Missionary Baptist Student Fellowship
All denominations are welcome and invited to participate and join.
Respect for one another is our primary rule.